Permit Issuer Course

Courses available on request – Contact Us

Course Code

  • MSMPER300 - Issue Work Permits
  • MSMWHS201 - Conduct Hazard Analysis



Course Duration

1 Day

Entry Requirement/s


Course Cost*


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Permit Issuer Course Description:

This training course prepares workers for issuing work permits and conducting hazard analysis. This is a clustered delivery incorporating issue work permits and conduct hazard analysis.

Permit Issuer Cluster:



On successful completion and assessment of this course, participants will be able to able to issue permits within a workplace, such as:

  • Confined Spaces
  • Hot Works
  • Working at Heights
  • Isolation


MSMPER300 – This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge required to issue work permits. It covers an understanding of the permit system and the limitations of each permit, and making decisions regarding the need for and correct use of each permit. This unit includes the issue of any and all permits. Permits are called ‘clearances’ by some organisations.

This unit of competency applies to personnel who are required to issue appropriate permits to work to persons conducting a variety of activities in workplace environments in which hazards exist or specific procedures need to be followed and monitored to protect the safety of personnel and the integrity of plant or process.

MSMWHS201 – This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge required to conduct a hazard analysis. These are typically called:

  • job safety analysis (JSA)
  • job hazard analysis (JHA)
  • job safety and environmental analysis (JSEA)
  • safe work method statement (SWMS)

It is not intended to apply to simpler routine hazard checks, such as ‘Take 5’, Step Back 5×5’, five step or similar.

This might be done as an independent activity in order to identify hazards and the appropriate hazard controls, or it might be done as part of a broader process, such as identifying and applying for the permits required for a job.

The conducting of a hazard analysis may be required under a safety case, by organisation procedures or simply as being good practice.

This unit of competency applies to an individual working alone or as part of a team/work group and working in liaison with other team members, as appropriate.

Further Information is available on the following links:

Permit Issuer Course Outcomes

  • Identify and Control Associated Hazards
  • Identify the need for a work permit
  • Ensure the job site is prepared for authorised work
  • Raise and issue work permits
  • Monitor work for compliance
  • Reporting
  • Close work permits

Pre-requisite For This Course

What to Bring

  • Provide 100 Points of identification (as per Workplace Health and Safety Queensland requirements)
  • Steel cap Boots
  • Safety gloves
  • Hi-Visibility shirt and hard hat with a brim
  • Suitable outdoor work clothing (no singlets)
  • Lunch and water bottle
  • If applicable, any evidence of prior experience e.g old certificates
  • USI Number (Find My USI)

Additional Information

Course Timing:Course days typically run from 7:30am to approximately 3:30pm – Participants are advised to arrive 15 minutes early to sign in.

*Times may vary and you may be required to start earlier or finish later.

work at height

Work Safely at Heights (RIIWHS204E)

Water truck

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Articulated Haul Truck

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ridged haul truck

RIIMPO338E – Conduct rigid haul truck operations

Contact Us

Contact us any time using the details below. Alternatively, leave us a message using the enquiry form we will get back to you the following business day at the latest.

Enquiry Form

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